The TrOgre Soundtrack Storybook - 19940201

“My story… MUST… be TOLD!”

The TrOgre Soundtrack Storybook

A perverse side-chapter in the ChrusherComix Universe! Wesley “TrOgre” Stevenson is introduced! The Ogre Soundtrack’s Read-Along/Sing-Along Storybook Also accompanied by a 2-CDR set available for $15, contains material by Chris ‘ChrusherComix’ Stevens, Matt “Galletta’s” Stevens, RaYzor C., Eric ‘Babs’ Babbitt, and A.C. Murphy! Music composed & conducted by John Williams and Vince DiCola! (1994, 19 fully inked pages with colorized covers & CD inserts!)

© 1994 Chris Galletta Stevens


Chrusher Comix: Episode #35 – The Ogre Soundtrack Storybook: 
The Ogre Soundtrack’s Read-Along/Sing-Along Storybook! The alleged father of Chris Crusher (and his muscle-bound brother, Matt The Mashing Musher) is finally revealed for the 1st time… and embarrassing it is to the brothers! This perverse side-chapter in the ChrusherComix saga is only truly appreciated if you buy the Ogre Soundtrack 2-CD set that it was illustrated to accompany! Mature audiences only. Adult-content. Also accompanied by a 2-CDR set available for $15, contains material by Chris ChrusherComix, Matt “Galletta’s” Stevens, RaYzor C., Eric Babs Babbitt, and A.C. Murphy! Music composed & conducted by John Williams! (19 fully inked book pages with colorized covers & CD insertsback cover, sick Ogre Trivia and asinine comments at the concussion of the epic storyline!)



Original, uncolored cover

From the desk of CGS, 2006: My dad has been nicknamed “Ogre” for almost twenty years now. Actually, TrOgre, half-troll, half-ogre. I thought I made up the term, but I noticed some rather famous old-earth fantasy writers beat me to it. Oh, well. Anyways, back in 1993-1995, me and my brother rebelled against my dad’s angry, violent outbursts. But we took it too far. Sometimes, our friends would pick on Ogre as well.. and often FAR worse than us. It was pretty hectic, and in hindsight, evil… but the counter-argument is that if you lived with him you’d know why we prank him so much. Anyway, we made a soundtrack. I took my favorite film score music by John Williams (Mostly Star Wars and Indiana Jones music at that time… though now I have over 300 CDs of his), some then 16-bit video game sound effects, some help from my brother and friends, and my imagination to record songs and stories of Ogre getting defeated on a regular basis. These tapes, dubbed THE OGRE SOUNDTRACKS, were a HUGE hit with my friends. I had lost them for years, but recently remastered them onto CDR, which is available to if anybody cared. The Ogre Soundtrack was accompanied by this Ogre Storybook. Cruel, but funny stuff. Ogre hates it, but oh well… that’s what makes it so darn funny! 😉
The Ogre Soundtrack is a 2-CDR set that this comic was illustrated to accompany, telling a condensed and less funny version of it. It features the voice talents of Chris ChrusherComix, RaYzor, Chris’ brother Matt, Ricktor Equalizer, AC Welphy, and Babs Babbit! It also has copyrighted music used without permission, so I won’t name it here. It is available for a $20 love gift to the author. Use the Paypal Donation buttons on this page.