Original, uncolored version:

A reminder, Photobucket sucks, as it is a bait-and-switch extortionist site. Don’t use it. Ever.



Oswegonian vs. Pulaskian Vigilante groups! (1995-2007)

This page made a re-use of a pen-and-ink drawing I did of the Oswego County BOCES building in 1991-92, where I took Graphic Art and Illustration during my Senior year of high school.

I had a great time and made good, funny, talented, like-minded artist friends there, which this story and characters was very much inspired by, as I always tried to put my caricatures of my friends in my comics back then. (Again, like most of my older comics, while inspired by, they were not real representations of the people… these are all completely fictional and made to entertain myself and my friends.)

I actually tried to go back and take additional classes after I graduated, but they woudn’t let me. What an odd request. I wound up taking some cartooning classes at Oswego instead. (Oddly, a troll who personally attacked me on Social Media in January 2024 somehow must’ve stalked me and got the idea that I had a GED. No idea where they got that, as I graduated regularly. My only thinking was they viewed my time studying graphic art here as a GED… stupid. But then again, I have rarely to never met a truly smart troll.)