Ronnie is scared of his own face. But Rhonda Rhockatowher has no problem with it on her man.
The legend begins. It is the year 1988, and a fourteen-year-old high school freshman starts doodling a sketchbook with a storyline to amuse himself and his classmates. Little did anyone know that it was the beginning of a comic that would go on for decades. The art may be crude, as is the humor, but… everything has a beginning.
In addition to the crude pencil-on-lined-paper art first created in 1988, the author went back and colored this golden oldie in 2012 for the re-launched website.
© 1988 Written & Illustrated by Christopher Galletta Stevens (2012 Color)
“Oh, it’s just my reflection in the mirror. Man, I’m ugly.”
– Ron Foule