Crusher and Terminator fighting for their lives (more or less hitting and running) vs. Obliterator, then see an opening. No, they’re not gay… dude, stop saying that!
Original pencilled page © 1988 Christopher Galletta Stevens
Expanded/Remastered page © 2011 Christopher Galletta Stevens
Original 1988 version before 2011 remastering (click here).
Above is page that was expanded/remastered in 2011.
This page was badly rushed and unfinished for somewhere around 20-25 years. I believe it actually also was stolen at one point! High School study hall hijinks.
For the website and the 20+ year anniversary of the comic, I was able to flesh it out with both original intent and three all-new “retcon” panels with my now adult art skills. 14-year-old me couldn’t have drawn at that level.