Original art from 1993, Used for a 1995 story.
(C) Christopher Galletta Stevens
“Dude, I look WAY cooler when I’m huntin’ dudes. Y’knowwhatImean? Huh? Huh? Do ya?”
#2 - Old Friends / New Enemies (featuring the Jo-Jo Chronicles) - "Jo Jo Plots His Day in his Huntin’ Gear | Crusher, “The Return of…” #2 (1995)" | ||
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Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): https://i0.wp.com/chrusher.com/ix/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/1995-02-24-Jo-Jo-plots-his-day.jpg?fit=800%2C1099&ssl=1 |
ChrusherComix Universe has a massive catalog of comics ranging from humor, satire, action, adventure (Classics), to dramatic thriller (End Cycle Graphic Novel — on hiatus due to my small business day job, two kids, a few other hobbies, and zero income nor reader interest/interaction from it). But the archives span over forty issues containing over 1,000 full-sized comic book pages for you to discover! Find surprise retcon backstory pages within the classics as well! Enjoy! -Chris
Original art from 1993, Used for a 1995 story.
(C) Christopher Galletta Stevens
“Dude, I look WAY cooler when I’m huntin’ dudes. Y’knowwhatImean? Huh? Huh? Do ya?”
Eric "Babs" BabbletYounger brother of Ian Babblet. Has a great sense of humor and loves spending time with Chrusher & Musher and picking on TrOgre. Comics: 6 |
Jo Jo Bunns (John Kibbles)John (AKA "Jo-Jo Bunns") is the twin brother of Jim Kibbles. Although they do look somewhat alike, and have a few similar interests, their personalities really couldn't be different. Jim is mild-mannered, jovial, good sense of humor, cool-tempered, and thinks before he speaks. His brother is somewhat the antithesis of this, as he speaks before he thinks, has a sadistic sense of humor and has a nasty temper. The twins are longtime friends of the Chrusher and are honorary members of the Conquerors group, although neither of them go on very many missions due to the Kibbles mom forcing them to do more chores than most teenagers are required to do. Same with Chrusher's famous "Chrusher Coliseum" backyard football games, where both played many a down, but often had to leave to do chores. Jim tries to keep his twin brother calm and collected, but to no avail, as John will just as soon bloodily smash his brother in the face repeatedly than calm down. John's temper and sadism is legendary, as he is your best buddy and will be the nicest guy you would ever want to meet in private. Then, in public, he has a desire to be show off, which also garnered him the name, 'Cool guy.' And part of being a show-off will often be mocking and BULLYING - friend, stranger, or foe alike. Notorious for picking on anybody smaller than him (which is many, as he's a pretty stocky, tough kid), but try to be overly nice to anybody bigger than him. Jo-Jo's oddest feature is his butt. Usually normal-sized, when he grows angry, his butt cheeks grow. And grow. And grow. Truthfully, butt cheeks that big should be humanly impossble. But... there they are. Comics: 28 |
Ricktor "Equalizer" EicholzersonRictor is a good friend of Chrusher and joined the Conquerors after the high school era. A gentle giant, has power if needed, but would prefer to not use force to solve a problem. Speaking of problems... Rick has one related to gasses expended from his butt. Chrusher taught him to use the devastating move made popular by the late WWF wrestler Yokozuna called the "banzai drop", which dispatches Welforce agents in a most debilitating manner. Mostly a jovial soul with a sense of humor, he occasionally has bouts of "maturity" and looks down upon fart jokes and the like. Then he'll fart on you. Comics: 26 |
The newest pages in the “End Cycle” graphic novel which is the thriller/crime drama/erotic love story/action/adventure epic that I’ve been working on. FOr no money. When I have time. Oh dear, or dear….
With over 1,000 comic book and graphic novel pages in our immense archive that dates from 1988 through now, this widget will often pull up some random classics!
Husband & Proud Father, Sushi Co-Owner/Co-Chef, Cartoonist, Graphic Artist/Novelist, Man of many hobbies & interests...