Due to the mutagen anal rake, rage and some X-Men comic books fresh in his mind, Clarkson grows claws much like Marvel Comics’ Wolverine. Except better… 4 instead of 3! Now Cow has two people trying to kill him. This is what happens when you try to rake butts. The horrors of homophobia! (That word wasn’t even invited yet, but dammit, those two certainly must be. Wait… is Cow even gay?)

The original, pencil-on-lined-paper scan below. The above comic is the finished page.


“Claws… The perfect way to make him PAY!”

“That’s what you get for running around acting gay!” | Rake Science – Crusher Comic Classics

© Written & Illustrated by Christopher Galletta Stevens (11/1988); Remastered and colorized (5/10/2015).