Page originally from 1997.
Page Colored 2013-05-26
The Lunaticals continue their trek down the road afer the short bus incident. However, something emerged in the woods at the side of the asphalt. Or… so some of them seem to think something emerges.
#2 - The Arrival of the Lunaticials - "“WENDY, LOOKIT!!!!!” | The Arrival of the Lunaticials" | ||
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Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): https://i0.wp.com/chrusher.com/ix/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Chrusher19970720-20130526.jpg?fit=800%2C1244&ssl=1 |
ChrusherComix Universe has a massive catalog of comics ranging from humor, satire, action, adventure (Classics), to dramatic thriller (End Cycle Graphic Novel — on hiatus due to my small business day job, two kids, a few other hobbies, and zero income nor reader interest/interaction from it). But the archives span over forty issues containing over 1,000 full-sized comic book pages for you to discover! Find surprise retcon backstory pages within the classics as well! Enjoy! -Chris
Page originally from 1997.
Page Colored 2013-05-26
The Lunaticals continue their trek down the road afer the short bus incident. However, something emerged in the woods at the side of the asphalt. Or… so some of them seem to think something emerges.
#2 - The Arrival of the Lunaticials - "“WENDY, LOOKIT!!!!!” | The Arrival of the Lunaticials" | ||
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Bastard BuckyBeloved member or the Lunaticials, The bastard Bucky is a lovable kid with a big heart whose disabilities are more a strength than a disability. Usually speaks in stares, grunts and hand gestures, Buck's trusting soul is susceptible for possesion. Mr. Corrodedwithshitfaceman will see to it to use Buck to further his own purposes. Comics: 19 |
LunaticialsThe Lunaticials are, by first appearances, a group of mentally and physically disabled young men and women. However, they are a special group, as they all have extraordinary and supernatural talents and powers that go far beyond normal humans. There are good and evil Lunaticials, and an eternal struggle exists between them. In fact, they essentially end the first two eras, AKA the comedic "Classic Crusher Comics" saga. Comics: 16 |
Warrant Officer "Wheelchair" Wendy PitcherWendy Pitcher is a Lunaticial with a debilitating disease that paralyzes her face, vocal cords and legs. This does not stop her from being the ever-wise Lunarticial field commander, and immediately takes control of the wandering group that crashed on some Town of Oswegonian road. Has an ability to communicate via ESP, but seemingly only to fellow Lunaticials. If one underestimates the Lunaticials, Wendy's mind will crush theirs. So don't do it. Comics: 19 |
The newest pages in the “End Cycle” graphic novel which is the thriller/crime drama/erotic love story/action/adventure epic that I’ve been working on. FOr no money. When I have time. Oh dear, or dear….
With over 1,000 comic book and graphic novel pages in our immense archive that dates from 1988 through now, this widget will often pull up some random classics!
Husband & Proud Father, Sushi Co-Owner/Co-Chef, Cartoonist, Graphic Artist/Novelist, Man of many hobbies & interests...