After the dual dark humor tragedies of ‘The Dark Conquerors Dominate The New Age Welforce Agents’ and its spinoff, ‘Enter: The Welphy Family’… occasional contributor RaYzor C. attempts to take over the comics. A rather short-lived takeover, as he abandoned them shortly after he began them.

They lead us on a dark path… a path that takes us to a whole new world of insanity… especially when ChrusherComix creator Christopher Galletta Stevens takes over Ray’s abandoned comic and again consults with his friend Scott Gagnon and brother Matt Stevens. This can only mean one thing — The Lunaticials are coming….

Original version:


RaYzor’s Edge comics #1 (1996-97)


Illustrated: 10/25/1996 (chronologically ordered on 1997-06-01)

Colored & Webpublished: 2006-08-16

© 1997-2006 Christopher Galletta Stevens