Story and 1 panel by Dan Boyce. The rest by me.

Jo Joe is an awful and mostly gross caricature of one of my oldest friends. Everyone that knew him liked him — hell even loved him as a brother — when he was in a good mood, as he was a great kid… MOST of the time.

But nobody wanted to be near him when he was in his “bully” mood. He almost had a split personality disorder. One never knew what would bring that side of him out — wanting to impress girls, wanted to act tough around other tough-guy bullies, a video game, a backyard football or pickup basketball game, maybe his mom or dad making him do too many chores — nobody knew. But when it happened, he would lose his temper and often want to have a fight, even with his good friends or his own twin brother! To cope, we would joke around about how odd and mean he could get when he was in one of these moods. And his butt wasn’t that big… big for a teenager of that period of time, but not THAT big.

These were our stories.