A play on covers that don’t show what’s inside occurred with a few of the original Crusher Comics series. The 1st cover had Chris Crusher giving Ronnie a headlock, and the 2nd cover has Chrush doing a lil’ ground n’ pound to him. Well, lets see if this one occurred, shall we?



The legend begins. It is the year 1988, and a fourteen-year-old high school freshman starts doodling a sketchbook with a storyline to amuse himself and his classmates. Little did anyone know that it was the beginning of a comic that would go on for decades. The art may be crude, as is the humor, but… everything has a beginning. It features a young lad named Chrusher, and his friends Ron Foule and Mike Butski, who had an almost Pro-Wrestling type rivalry going on, having battles of one-upmanship in the halls of the Oswegonian high school. And it seemed as if every few pages, new characters come out of the background and add more hilarity, violence, and entertainment. Enjoy.

In addition to the crude pencil-on-lined-paper art first created in 1988, this page is essentially unchanged from the original ball point pen-on-paper from 9/1988 and colored with colored pencil. In 2004, while prepping the page on Photoshop, it got a little bit of a coloring upgrade and some digital text, but it is essentially the same thing.

© 1988 Written & Illustrated by Christopher Galletta Stevens (2004 Color)