...AKA Chris' Crusher Comics - is a currently airing graphic novel and accompanying massive comic book archive that is divided between two major portions. They are interrelated, but designed to be completely independent of each other.
The two major volumes of this comic's universe are:
- The newer portion - the Graphic Novel, End Cycle. That's an epic thriller with political intrigue, eroticism, martial arts, crime, detectives, sex, violence... I am just writing and drawing from the heart - stuff that I would love to read if I were reading a comic or a novel, or watch if I was watching a movie or a television series.
- The earlier "Classics" are humorous in nature, but have a lot of action and adventure as it progresses. This is meant to make you laugh... if you pay attention.
This is not a 1-5 panel, gag-a-day strip.
This is not a comic by someone with a semi-clever idea who can't draw just trying to do a comic.
Nor is this a comic by someone who can't write just writing something because he/she can draw good. Nor is it done by a team of writers and artists. Just me, with occasional fan art (that, if I like it, I make canon!)
This is not a cliche comic about gamers, super heroes, boring slice-of-life, scantily-clad lesbians that look like super models, drunk college kid life, romantic-comedy that isn't romantic or comedic, furries, anime/manga, D&D, magic fairy lands, one-sided political 'toons or anti-religious cheap-shot humor.
Nope, nope, nope, aannnnd nope. Nothing against those that do them and do them well. That's just not what I like and not what I do.
This is a HUGE, ongoing comic book. It is not for an afternoon read... you'll either leave after a few pages just not getting into it, or you'll start picking up the cues and die laughing. Either way, multiple sittings and many hours is what you'll need to enjoy the Classics. Be ready.... or maybe it's not your thing. Fine, just go along and read the other cliche-riddled comics. Everyone has their own tastes, I understand. So... Where do you want to go?
You may ask yourself , "Why is he asking me this? I just want to get on to the comic already!" Well, because this comic started in 1988 and spans dozens of issues tallying over 1,000 full comic book-sized pages - and growing. If I've lost you already, perhaps you don't have the mind's wave length to read this and should go. I wish you'd stay, but some just won't get this. Why do I say that? Because, in addition, it was digitally uploaded into a webcomic has existed since 2005, and has been almost complete undiscovered. How? I am not joking when I tell you that 99.99999% of all visitors read the first handful of pages and leave. People who have read the comic ask, "Why the hell isn't this getting an audience!? It's f***ing hysterical! I can't breathe I'm laughing so hard!" Or, "Man, your new comics are well drawn and the story has my vested interest. I wonder why more people don't read it?"
The answer is this: New readers check out a handful of pages beginnings drawn by a 14-year-old in high school and they leave - it's too odd, offbeat, and unique and doesn't speak to them. Or, they read the new graphic novel, get to the last page I've done to this point, and leave. This leaves 1,000 pages left in between with close to zero hits, and the initial pages with a lot of hits. I try not to be condescending, but look, I have to make things reeeeeaaaaaaalllllly simple and make a rundown here.
The new Graphic Novel starts here! The volume that is currently the flagship of the site is the second and more professional portion of the ChrusherComix Universe. The graphic novel titled "End Cycle", which is the volume currently being produced which is a dramatic, epic, globe-trotting, action-packed thriller filled with political intrigue, eroticism, secretive martial arts clans, private detectives, and sadistic and elusive serial killers. Between his day jobs, the author is currently writing, illustrating, coloring, and publishing the book, and it is a work in progress.
Knowing that web comic audiences like constant updates, the story is backed by a massive, 1,000 page interdependent back story ripe for exploration. It is...
A "Classics" section which is an archive of the seven volume, twenty-year and over 1,000 page journey of the comics, which is mostly a comedy with a lot of action, violence and adventure. It began as a "sketchbook-with-a-storyline" when the author was a teenager and continued for years (mind you, unpublished until now). While a lot of the early stuff isn't drawn or scripted as nicely, it grows as the series progresses, and as a comedy over the backdrop of a developing plot that eventually becomes "End Cycle", it is nonetheless filled with a lot of hysterical stuff to be discovered. It'll leave you spurting your beverage out of your noses.
Okay, now look... this may seem simple, but it looks as if I must explain. You navigate the comic via... Navigation Buttons:
There are several ways to navigate the comics. Complex because of the massive amount of pages in the site, but very easy if you have a reasonable IQ and attention span higher than a housefly on crack (yes, I know, 90% of web-readers are that way, as am I guilty of it from time to time myself sometimes). Above and below the comic, you will see simple navigational buttons. Use them to proceed through each comic, which shortcuts between the 1st page from 1988 and last page from.. well.. right now.
The Comic Box - Archival Issue Selector Slideshow:
Beneath the bottom navigational bar is an archival comic cover slide show. This rotates around showing covers to the issues and clicking on them takes you to that issue. Oddly, I spent a lot of time on it and thus far, nobody uses it. Go right ahead.. go and use the things!
Check back on this often, as new comics are being uploaded every day - with over 1,000 in the catalog that will be uploaded at a rate of a handful a day or more. I know, there are hundreds of thousands of web comics out there - some are great, a lot are good, and more than many are quite bad - but of all I have ever seen, I have never seen one as large, varied, massive, and diverse as ChrusherComix. Give it your undivided attention for just a little of time every day, and it will give you enjoyment. It may become your favorite comic you've ever read (as it is to everyone who has ever actually read it!) and you'll be begging me to draw more. Just give 'em a chance. I promise you'll be entertained. |