My cartoon for the final issue of the 1992 Buccaneer Bulletin.
The final comic strip I drew for The Class of 1992 Buccaneer “Senior” Bulletin. If I remember correctly (and it was nearly three decades ago), it was a suggested comic from the editor about how much you’ve grown up in your four years at high school. For me, I felt like I was still a little kid my 1st day of my Freshman year, and a conqueror at the end of my Senior year, and drew accordingly (except, unfortunately, I didn’t have the bulging muscles and sexy chick at my side, but oh well, hyperbole it is!).
In addition, I asked my good friend (and fellow artist from Oswego County BOCES Commercial Art class) Martin Scoville of Martville NY to draw the pencils of the kids and he did a great job. I then did the inks. Loved how it came out! It was a cool collaboration with Marty (whom I also created a comic character in this book for) and he and I always talked about how it would be a dream come true to someday enter the comic book industry.
A couple of decades went by and despite both of us never stopped being artists, the both of us lost interest in comic books (mainly probably more over political ideals they have nowadays… and probably always had, just not as overtly biased and intolerant as they are now). What is also odd is that both of us developed similar religious and political ideals, which probably neither of us had any firm stances in when we knew each other at high school. Now, we’re both married with kids, and still artists but never tried out for comic companies, and we enjoy some of the same religious and political speakers. Funny how the world works! Maybe we could dust off our art skills and work on a collaboration someday since we have similar ideals? Who knows?