Christopher Galletta Stevens’ Buccaneer Bulletin series continues in 1990-91!
The Buc Bulletin series continues with Chrusher getting his butt handed to him by the crazed custodian, and his Mathemetics teacher, Mr. Noun, saves the day with his Maypo-powered wrestling moves – the Slope Y Intercept and the buffalo. Man, first a gang of custonians, then Steven Bezerker Barbarian Howeird, then another janitor all kkick Chrusher’s ass… some superhero!
From 1989-1992, Christopher Galletta Stevens did cartoons for the Oswego High School Newspaper – the Buccaneer Bulletin! During this period, he won several wards as the best school newspaper comic in New York State! The comics were side-stories to the regular story that Chris drew for friends, classmates, relatives and acquaintances. This story worked directly with the regular comic, and placed in proper chronological context for the newly reconstructed website. Enjoy!
© 1990-91 Christopher Galletta Stevens