The Welphys continue their rampage… including mocking, abusing and torturing their own son!
The Dark Conquerors #3 – The Introduction of the Welphys
As the Dark Conquerors pummel their enemies, rendering them into ruined, barely alive zombies at the Oswegonian Hospital, The Welphys enter the picture. Meet Thomas and Annette Welphy, the nonsensically obese, gassy, deranged and angry elderly parent/guardians of Chrush & Mush’s good friend, “A.C.” as they enter the fray. Comedy ensues immediately and does not end until what little integrity Chris’ Crusher comics had utterly left forever. WARNING: Chock full of toilet/crotch humor and lots of adult language in this issue, so if you are against that or too young then skip this issue. If you like that kind of stuff and are old enough, then proceed, my twisted friends. Elderly, obese, coprophilias, cantankerous, abusive, hateful, two-faced… the Welphy family take the ChrusherComix Universe to all-new lows. Don’t believe me? Just read it. Stain your eyes for good.
Written & Illustrated by Christopher Galletta Stevens, Page Written & illustrated 1997, colored & web-published 7/2006.