The seemingly aimless plotline has a snake thrown into the gears. Make that… a SNAKE-MAN!
© Written & Illustrated 1995 Christopher Galletta Stevens
#1 - The Scourge of the Scovillian - "“THIS IS A BAD STORYLINE!” | Crusher, Return of… #1" | ||
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ChrusherComix Universe has a massive catalog of comics ranging from humor, satire, action, adventure (Classics), to dramatic thriller (End Cycle Graphic Novel — on hiatus due to my small business day job, two kids, a few other hobbies, and zero income nor reader interest/interaction from it). But the archives span over forty issues containing over 1,000 full-sized comic book pages for you to discover! Find surprise retcon backstory pages within the classics as well! Enjoy! -Chris
The seemingly aimless plotline has a snake thrown into the gears. Make that… a SNAKE-MAN!
© Written & Illustrated 1995 Christopher Galletta Stevens
#1 - The Scourge of the Scovillian - "“THIS IS A BAD STORYLINE!” | Crusher, Return of… #1" | ||
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Chace 'Chrusher' Kristoph (Chris 'Crusher' Stevenson)Chace Kristoph (formerly known as Chris "Crusher" Stevenson) is the main protagonist of this comic book and graphic novel. Hurled into the spotlight unwittingly, as he was just a regular, every day, normal high school freshman in Oswegonia, a childish game of one-upmanship between he, Mike Butski and Ron Foule became a full-fledged grudge match as time went on. Formed The Conquerors, a group of good ol' boy high schoolers of all stripes against mischievous, trouble-making classmates and later on, corrupt teachers. Raised by his mom and adoptive uncle Wesley "TrOgre" Stevenson (who he believed was his father for years, as his father was killed in Southeast Asia when he was a youth), he received a ruby-bloodstone crucifix from his grandfather which was apparently the induction into a mystic group of vigilantes known as the Chr'shr, a secret group of justice-seeking vigilantes that work outside of the restrictions of law in cases of criminals who also operate as otherwise untouchable by the law (or in control of it). His character the straight man amidst the craziness of the rest of the book, but often getting dragged into and joining the craziness of those around him. Strong moral fiber, intelligent, athletic, trained and highly-skilled in several martial arts, Chrusher later on becomes a private detective with a background in Forensic science and a skill at forensic art, while secretly being a member of the Ch'Shr secret society of vigilantes. Comics: 194 |
Dr. DaviesDr. Davies taught forensic science and commercial art. Two of his students in both classes were Oswegonia High's Chrusher and Pulaskunian High's Magic Marty Scovillian, each school's lead vigilantes. Davies also apparently had a past as a vigilante himself, and reveals startling secrets to Chrusher about his past and future. Comics: 7 |
Ian "The Brain" BabbletIan is a mathematical genius. Referred to as a human calculator, he often can solve any equation in his own mind before an average person can with a calculator. Due to this, he skipped two grades in public school. Being younger, more immature and far weaker than most of his classmates, he was a bit of an introverted, quiet nerd until he was recruited into Welforce by Foule and Butski. Once in Welforce, it was apparent that the other members were truly incompetent with stunningly low-IQ and sorry cognitive skills. Ian's confidence started showing, as by year two, he went from the quiet strategist on the side to the full-fledged leader, and led Welforce to it's 1st victory over the Conquerors in Chrusher's absence. He developed a dark side in this period, frustrated that he was unable to score with hot chicks and as a firm believer in gay rights (before they were championed by the mainstream media and progressive socialists), even experimented with gay activities with Foule and Butski. Heartbroken that a chick that he was in puppy love with was in love with Chrusher, it fueled his anger and he became more obsessed with defeating the Conquerors. After high school, he joined the Navy and attempted to defeat RaYzor and Chrusher a handful of times, but lost. Chrusher believed that Ian buried the hatchet and they were to be friends, but losing his faith in God during college, he became an atheist evangelist of sorts, which again fanned the flames of his anger issues. Following his father's footsteps, he has become a Nuclaer Engineer. His brother is Eric "Babs" Babblet, who is good friends with Chrusher, much to Ian's dismay. He has been lurking in the background for years, apparently waiting to strike. Comics: 48 |
Marty ScovillianPukaskian vigilante. The Chrusher's ally, although some professional jealousy resides over who is the better crimefighter. Comics: 19 |
Scott "The Cow" GangnoniScott is a strange lad who refers to himself as "The Overlord." Claims that his "power is too much," and often refers the drainage of all other "power sources" within his immediate vicinity. He also speaks often of greased rakes, telephone poles, fences, forks, pencils, crayons, chainsaws, lawn mowers, rusty pitchforks, bike chains and ice-picks up people's hind sides. Founder of "The Rake Hectors" and "The Saucy Chain of Doom." Once a foe of Chrusher, now an ally. Comics: 83 |
The newest pages in the “End Cycle” graphic novel which is the thriller/crime drama/erotic love story/action/adventure epic that I’ve been working on. FOr no money. When I have time. Oh dear, or dear….
With over 1,000 comic book and graphic novel pages in our immense archive that dates from 1988 through now, this widget will often pull up some random classics!
Husband & Proud Father, Sushi Co-Owner/Co-Chef, Cartoonist, Graphic Artist/Novelist, Man of many hobbies & interests...