Site icon ChrusherComix | Crusher Comics – Graphic Novel & Comic Book By Christopher Galletta Stevens (est. 1988)

Hello, cruel world!

Welcome to the world of ChrusherComix. It is sometimes a world of lethal violence and mystic martial arts. It is sometimes a world of character-driven comedy. It is also sometimes a world of exotic sexiness. It is then sometimes an erotic and political thriller! It is a world of good vs. evil. It is a world of anti-post-modernist storytelling. It is created, written, illustrated, colored, web-published, and print published by a man that you only know as Christopher Galletta Stevens. You shall… and you will… try it.

The 20th Anniversary colver to the original ‘Chris’ Crusher Comics’ storyline from 1988!

Chrusher continued to evolve from an immature character-driven comic book into a full fledged thriller graphic novel.

ChrusherComix  – short for the original name of “Chris’ Crusher Comics” – is essentially a comic book universe that began in 1988 when the author sat in a high school study hall and utilized his drawing skills to entertain both himself and his classmates. It worked, and although at first teachers resented his comics both taking Chris’ time and stealing attantion of his classmates, some teachers noticed his skill and put it in the school newspaper, where he won both regional and state-wide awards in cartooning. These comics are being digitally scanned, and sometimes re-mastered (re-colored/re-lettered), and published for the first time, and begins here:

The comic continued on, sometimes taking hiatuses, but always returning with more “radical” misadventures. Most of the early adventures were character-driven slapstick comedy and adventure, mostly revolving around the lad nicknamed “CHRUSHER” – and his friends, the justice-loving Conquerors – vs. a band of immoral nerds, misfits, and trouble-makers known as Mike Butski, Ron Fule, and Ian Babblet and The Welforce. But there were more… such as individual sadistic bullies such as The Obliterator, and loners with anarchist tendencies such as Keith Slasher Clarkson and Steven ‘Renegade Viking Spickster Barbarian’ Howeird, and even a band of pervsrse, rake-loving madmen such as Scott ‘The Overord Cow’ Gangnoni and Justin ‘The Grim Raker’ Plankton, also known as the Rake Hectors. There was even adult criminal syndicates messing with the mostly teenage characters, such as those led by cromelord King Babah! Eventually, through the years, the stories started getting plots and had broader themes, yet still had comedic interludes.

Chrusher continued to evolve from an immature character-driven comic book into a full fledged thriller graphic novel. Originally an immature, character-driven comedy set in high school, the stakes have risen. The high school goodie-two-shoes and makeshift vigilante nicknamed ‘Chrusher’ is now a private detective and forensic artist. The rest of the surviving characters – his friends, classmates, and others – have grown up into adults. And with it, adult themes and mature storylines are now a part of the plot. Interrelated and within the same universe but also meant to stand on their own, the story continues in the new End Cycle Graphic Novel.

Enjoy both chapters in the epiic saga of – THE CHRUSHER!

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