Site icon ChrusherComix | Crusher Comics – Graphic Novel & Comic Book By Christopher Galletta Stevens (est. 1988)

Clogged Butts & Lunaticials | The RaYzor’s Edge #3

"Clogged Butts & Lunaticials" (RaYzor's Edge #3 Cover)

“Clogged Butts & Lunaticials”
(RaYzor’s Edge #3 Cover)

The RaYzor’s Edge #3 – “Clogged Butts & Lunaticials”

The Lunaticials have arrived. So have some very angry, low-blood sugar, fence-post-up-the-@$$ Welphys. Not to mention a roadkill-(zombie?) Ronald Foule. Suddenly, a karting event turns into a giant bruhaha involving Conquerors Chrusher, Musher, RaYzor, Ricktor, and Overlord Cow in the middle of a freak-show royal rumble in the Conquerors’ back yard. And why the hell do these people like playing with feces? Okay, c’mon now… guys, you’re making me draw WHAT now?

Written & Illustrated by Christopher Galletta Stevens – © 1997-2013 ChrusherComix Studios
(Special thanks to RaYzor Castaldo, Matt Stevens and Scott Gangnon, all of whom I drew this for…)

(Written & Illustrated 12/12/1997, Webpublished 12-12-2006, Colored & re-published 2-28-2013)

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